In the Land of Og...
Well, in the wonderful land of Og, there is a nasty blue flu going around. Meaning, Ogden's finest are on strike. Good for them...
I work for the land of Og, under the direction of whom we affectionately call Lord Farquad. In my particular position I talk with many of these officers, and they never cease to impress me. These guys (and ladies) are the most courteous and professional officers I've ever come in contact with. Many of them have hilarious senses of humor and all are a pleasure to help.
These folks were promised raises; well, not only PROMISED, but CONTRACTED, to receive these raises, and they never have. Now, they're on strike, hopefully to gain what they so richly deserve and what they were promised in a legally binding contract.
I hope the citizens of the land of Og realize just how great a police force they have, and I hope they understand that these officers deserve to be compensated fairly.
Thanks do a great job. :-)
I work for the land of Og, under the direction of whom we affectionately call Lord Farquad. In my particular position I talk with many of these officers, and they never cease to impress me. These guys (and ladies) are the most courteous and professional officers I've ever come in contact with. Many of them have hilarious senses of humor and all are a pleasure to help.
These folks were promised raises; well, not only PROMISED, but CONTRACTED, to receive these raises, and they never have. Now, they're on strike, hopefully to gain what they so richly deserve and what they were promised in a legally binding contract.
I hope the citizens of the land of Og realize just how great a police force they have, and I hope they understand that these officers deserve to be compensated fairly.
Thanks do a great job. :-)