Tuesday, December 26, 2006
This pic was taken at Kip's Aunt Anna's house. Oh, and Uncle Jim lives there too. :-) These cute girls are, from left to right: Kensey (I probably spelled her name wrong; sorry, Kate!), Sarah, Maddie, and Sadie. Kensey and Sadie are Thom's kids and Sarah (I call her Louie) and Maddie are Dave's kids. (Thom and Dave are Kip's cousins, but I've known Thom longer than I've known Kip because I went to high school with Thom.)

Here's my Christmas tree. Yes the picture is sideways. I just got this new digital camera for Christmas from my Mom. I'm too lazy to flip the picture the right way so just tilt your head. :-)

This is Molli. Her dad is my cousin, Shayne. Molli will be three in February. This picture was taken at her Grandpa and Grandma Hoover's house.

This is Tanner, my cousin Jamie's son. He turned three in November. Yes, he is wearing a purple tutu. It's his cousin Molli's. Guess he's getting ready for the arrival of his little sister in April 2007.

This one is of my Grandma Hoover. It was a surprise shot. I tried to get one of Grandpa Hoover but all he did was turn his head and swear at me.

Here's my Christmas tree. Yes the picture is sideways. I just got this new digital camera for Christmas from my Mom. I'm too lazy to flip the picture the right way so just tilt your head. :-)

This is Molli. Her dad is my cousin, Shayne. Molli will be three in February. This picture was taken at her Grandpa and Grandma Hoover's house.

This is Tanner, my cousin Jamie's son. He turned three in November. Yes, he is wearing a purple tutu. It's his cousin Molli's. Guess he's getting ready for the arrival of his little sister in April 2007.

This one is of my Grandma Hoover. It was a surprise shot. I tried to get one of Grandpa Hoover but all he did was turn his head and swear at me.

Monday, December 11, 2006
I have updated the Two Chix website with a few crude pix from a digital camera. I'm going to have the pics done professionally though so you can see the brilliance of the Swarovski crystals and get a more accurate portrayal of the colors. I have a couple of bracelets made with the coolest blue color. It's a dark, smoky blue called, "Montana". VERY pretty and goes with dang near everything. So check it out! www.twochixjewelry.blogspot.com!